The Arctic Project Leaders Wolfgang F. Danspeckgruber Date 2011 - Present The Arctic initiative is an interdisciplinary, multiphase project focusing on issues that include energy, natural resources and environmental concerns, strategic interests of the Arctic States, law and policy development, self-determination of indigenous peoples, and the global shipping trade. Description Still in its formative stages, LISD’s Arctic initiative is an interdisciplinary, multiphase project focusing on issues that include energy, natural resources and environmental concerns, strategic interests of the Arctic States, law and policy development, self-determination of indigenous peoples, and the global shipping trade. This Arctic region project will incorporate the perspectives of various groups, including state and nonstate actors as well as great, medium, and small powers. The multidimensional aspects of this study of the Arctic demand an interdisciplinary approach and will include collaborators from a variety of Princeton University departments as well as collaborators from other domestic and international organizations and universities. Publications Events APP Spring Semester MeetingFeb 15, 2024 APP: Arctic Security PanelDec 4, 2023 APP Info Session/Open HouseNov 14, 2023 Arctic & Antarctic Research Group: Inaugural SessionFeb 16, 2022, 12:00 pm Lawson Brigham , Knut Hammarskjöld , Tomas Ries Arctic & Antarctica: An Introductory Session (GDSC)Oct 15, 2021, 11:30 am GDSC Seminar on "Environmental Security Challenges and the Arctic"Apr 16, 2021, 12:00 pm Lawson Brigham , Tomas Ries Public Roundtable: The Arctic and the Belt and Road Initiative – The LISD 3+1 Silk Road ProjectOct 18, 2018, 4:30 pm Dr. Lawson Brigham, CPT, USCG (ret.) , Mr. Knut Hammarskjöld, ‘93 , Mr. Emery T. Real Bird, '17 POSTPONED: The Arctic in Strategic PerspectiveNov 19, 2015, 4:30 pm Lawson Brigham, University of Alaska The Arctic: Territory of Dialogue - A Russian Perspective and The New Geography and Geopolitics of the Central Arctic OceanNov 18, 2011, 12:00 pm Lawson Brigham, University of Alaska, Fairbanks The Arctic: Strategic and Security ConsiderationsFeb 11, 2011, 10:00 am Lawson Brigham, University of Alaska, Fairbanks , Col. Sam Gardiner, US Air Force (retired) The New Maritime Arctic: Crossroads of Globalization, Climate Change, and GeopoliticsFeb 10, 2011, 4:30 pm Lawson Brigham, University of Alaska, Fairbanks APP Roundtable with Ambassador Bergdis EllertsdottirFeb 27, 0024