Source: Mahmoud Saikal Creating Security and Stability in Afghanistan and the Region Authors Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination Date October 2006 Publication type Publication Full Citation Permalink External Link Full Text (PDF) Abstract Recommendations in this report address issues related to ongoing state-building efforts in Afghanistan in the areas of security, rule of law, mobilization of the economy, regional relations, and trans-border issues including infrastructure and energy. The report identifies short-term, mid-term, and long-term priorities, as well as those for the Afghan government, regional neighbors, and the international community. The recommendations were the product of discussions undertaken as part of a colloquium sponsored by the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination in Vienna, Austria in October 2006. Keywords Afghanistan, Development, Drug Trade, Economy, Governance, Infrastructure, Regional Compact, Rule of Law, Security, Taliban Related Projects Afghanistan and the Region