The Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination funds Princeton students for research and activities focused on international self-determination, which we understand as the specific freedom, autonomy, self-expression, safety, welfare, identity and self-actualization of individuals, groups, countries, and regions in world politics. The grants are open to undergraduate and graduate students.

We will consider grants for activities connected with international affairs including but not limited to:

1.  research on an independent paper, junior paper, senior thesis, master’s thesis, or PhD dissertation

2.  independent training 

3.  internships and participant observation

4.  group events held on campus

5.  conference participation or organization. 

Every application must provide a detailed explanation of the goal of the project and its value, the concrete form of the project‘s output, the precise actions the grantee proposes to achieve that goal, reasons why the funded activity is required to achieve the goal, and how carrying out the goal will be documented. For example, requests to fund research should provide an explanation how causal or descriptive conclusions can and will be drawn from the funded activity, how the results will be written up, in what sense the resulting insights or conclusions are original and can be achieved in this way, and what documentation will be submitted to LISD.

In addition, each request should include: 

(1) a detailed and itemized budget for the project

(2) a list of additional sources of funding to which the applicant has applied (if none are listed, we assume none exist, and if one is listed, we will assume the application has actually been submitted unless we hear otherwise)

(3) a CV 

(4) a one paragraph discussion of past activity (on this project or others) that indicates depth of preparation, seriousness of intent, and ability to carry out an autonomous long-term project

(5) the name of one reference (a faculty member, advisor, university administrator, outside inviter, co-sponsor, host, collaborator or research subject), with contact information. The applicant is responsible for informing that person that LISD may contact them. 

LISD will rigorously evaluate every application individually. Preference is given to projects that: (1) have a clearly articulated, feasible, significant and interesting or valuable objective unable to be achieved except through the funded activity; and (2) receive funding and/or sponsorship from other sources. All other things equal, applications will be preferred that come from students affiliated with LISD and their programs. Submission of an application is not a guarantee of funding.

These grants have no minimum or maximum, but most grants are likely to be in the $500- $1000 range. 

Applications are accepted through the Student Activities Funding Engine (SAFE).

Spring 2025 Application Deadline: Friday, March 7, 2025

Funding Decisions posted:  Monday, March 24, 2025

Fall 2025 Application Deadline: Monday, October 20, 2025

Funding Decisions posted: Monday, November 3, 2025

 Contact Heather Mayer ([email protected]) with any questions.

Student Reports